Do You…
Fancy a challenge ?…..
Have a desire to help a fantastic cause ?……
Own a Bike ?…..
Are You…
Free for the weekend ?…..
Keen to get fit for a good cause ?…..
Able to offer support for the event ?…..
So far UMBR has raised over £64k in 7yrs to help Martin House continue supporting the families that need them.
Feel free to pass the word around Family, Friends and Colleagues. We have space for 80 cyclists and 20 support staff. Entry costs will be £70 per person or £95 for a room to themselves. The entry fee covers transport from Leeds to Liverpool, 2 course evening meal and dessert, bed and breakfast.
The youngest cyclist so far was 10yr old.
The event is open to everybody regardless of fitness level, how much they think they can accomplish, tag teams if you and a friend you wish
Twitter :- @UMBRcharity
Facebook:- search for UMBR
Martin House:-
Payment Details:- Sort code 77-14-19 – Account number is 00752168
These details have been requested for the St John Ambulance crew.
They understand if people are unwilling to supply details regarding medical conditions / medication.
Each support car will also carry a copy of this information in case the need to call a rider occurs.