Hi, I’m Mick Mason aka Uncle Mick. Several years ago my Nephew, Alex, was diagnosed with a life limiting disorder called Friedreich’s Ataxia. Following the diagnosis my brother and sister-in-law were directed towards Martin House Children’s Hospice located at Boston Spa.
The aim of Martin House is to provide family led care for children with life shortening conditions. It is a place where children, young people and their families can come to stay from time to time along their journey and find support, rest and practical help.
Since Alex’s diagnosis Martin House have supported my family and many others like them in so many wonderful ways that we thought that it was time that we gave something back.
UMBR was named by the Martin House fundraising team. The event was original thought of by Derek Mason, Steve Braithwaite and myself. We all took part in the opening event in April 2013. Derek driving support and Steve and myself cycling. The event was completed along the banks of the Canal from Liverpool to Leeds, a grand distance of 127.5 miles.